Update – May 2022

Update – May 2022

So, I have been very quiet over the last few months. Where have I been? What have I been doing? In addition to providing my normal client-focussed translation services, I’ve been completing my 2nd MA Translation Studies module: Computer-Assisted Translation, the range...
Coffee Shop Travelling

Coffee Shop Travelling

As someone who loves meeting people from other countries, learning foreign languages and experiencing other cultures, one of the things I’ve missed most during the Covid-19 pandemic is travelling. Like everyone I have been subject to local lockdowns and stay at home...
Translating acronyms and abbreviations

Translating acronyms and abbreviations

One of the interesting challenges I’ve come across in my life as a translator is translating acronyms and abbreviations. What do I mean by these? Well, an abbreviation literally means short as it comes from the Latin word brevis meaning short. Abbreviations could...


For my first blog I thought I would explore the world of idioms as they appeal to my sense of humour, yet I find them intellectually fascinating at the same time. Idioms are linguistic customs characteristic of a country or region. Even without knowledge of a foreign...